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Comparative study of β-thymosin in two scallop species Argopecten irradians and Chlamys farreri.

Fish Shellfish Immunol.. 2019-03; 
WangMengqiang, WangBaojie, LiuMei, JiangKeyong, Wan
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… By screening the bay scallop spat whole body ZAP Express Library data in National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI … After removing the endotoxin with ToxiEraser Endotoxin Removal Kit (L00338, Genscript, USA), the concentration of purified protein was quantified by …


The β-thymosin (Tβ) proteins participate in numerous biological processes, such as cell proliferation and differentiation, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial mechanism. To date, Tβ proteins have been well studied in vertebrates, especially mammals. While limited Tβ or Tβ-like proteins have been reported in invertebrates. Moreover, rare information of Tβ or Tβ-like proteins is available in scallop species yet. In the present study, two Tβ homologues, AiTβ and CfTβ, were identified and characterized from two scallop species bay scallop Argopecten irradians and Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri. They were both 41 amino acid peptide and contained one THY domain, a highly conserved actin-b... More


Immunomodulation,Innate immunity,β-thym