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Phytochrome-Based Extracellular Matrix with Reversibly Tunable Mechanical Properties.

Adv Mater. 2019; 
Hörner M,,, Raute K,,, Hummel B,, Madl J,, Creusen G,, Thomas OS,,, Christen EH, Hotz N,, Gübeli RJ,, Engesser R,, Rebmann B, Lauer J,, Rolauffs B, Timmer J,, Schamel WWA,,,, Pruszak J,, Römer W,,,, Zurbriggen MD, Friedrich C, Walther A,,, Minguet S,,,, Sawarkar R,, Weber W,,.
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Interrogation and control of cellular fate and function using optogenetics is providing revolutionary insights into biology. Optogenetic control of cells is achieved by coupling genetically encoded photoreceptors to cellular effectors and enables unprecedented spatiotemporal control of signaling processes. Here, a fast and reversibly switchable photoreceptor is used to tune the mechanical properties of polymer materials in a fully reversible, wavelength-specific, and dose- and space-controlled manner. By integrating engineered cyanobacterial phytochrome 1 into a poly(ethylene glycol) matrix, hydrogel materials responsive to light in the cell-compatible red/far-red spectrum are synthesized. These materials are a... More


biomaterials; cell migration; extracellular matrix; mechanosignaling; optogenetics; phytochromes