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Large-scale prion protein genotyping in Canadian caribou populations and potential impact on chronic wasting disease susceptibility

Mol Ecol. 2020; 
Maria Immaculata Arifin, Antanas Staskevicius, Su Yeon Shim, Yuan-Hung Huang, Heather Fenton, Philip D McLoughlin, Gordon Mitchell, Catherine I Cullingham, Sabine Gilch
Products/Services Used Details Operation
Plasmid DNA Preparation … to the manufacturer's protocol. Ten colonies from each sample were screened for the Prnp insert using colony PCR with Taq DNA Polymerase (GenScript, cat #E00043) and the first primer set mentioned above. Plasmid DNA … Get A Quote


Polymorphisms within the prion protein gene (Prnp) are an intrinsic factor that can modulate chronic wasting disease (CWD) pathogenesis in cervids. Although wild European reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) were infected with CWD, as yet there have been no reports of the disease in North American caribou (R. tarandus spp.). Previous Prnp genotyping studies on approximately 200 caribou revealed single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at codons 2 (V/M), 129 (G/S), 138 (S/N), 146 (N/n) and 169 (V/M). The impact of these polymorphisms on CWD transmission is mostly unknown, except for codon 138. Reindeer carrying at least one allele encoding for asparagine (138NN or 138SN) are less susceptible to clinical CWD upon... More


caribou, caribou conservation, chronic wasting disease, genotyping, prion protein