
Privacy Policy

Responsible Body

GenScript Biotech Corporation ("We" in this notification) as the operator of this website //www.genscript.com ("GenScript") is the responsible body for the handling of personal data of users of the GenScript information services ("You").

We take the protection of your personal data seriously. We have taken technical and organizational steps to ensure that the data protection regulations are observed by ourselves and our service providers.

In accordance with the applicable data protection regulations, we have provided information below on the type, extent and purpose of the collection, processing and use of data obtained in connection with your use of GenScript.

Your information is important to GenScript. We respect your privacy and endeavour to protect your privacy. This Privacy Policy provides information about the personal information that GenScript collects, the ways in which we share and use, and what choices are available to you before you decide to provide with us your information. This Privacy Policy is available on GenScript home page and at the bottom of every GenScript web page. We encourage you to carefully and fully read the Privacy Policy before you use our website. We further welcome your questions and are glad to answer your concerns and suggestions.

Sites Covered by this Privacy Policy

GenScript is a global organization, with legal entities, research and development, supply and distribution, management structures, and manufacturing facilities that cross borders. This Privacy Policy apply to all webpages on www.genscript.com domain, except that a privacy policy or statement posted on our websites specific to a particular product or service will apply instead of this Privacy Policy. We may also provide links to third party websites. When you click the link to those third party websites, you will be directed and informed of leaving our websites. This Privacy Policy does not apply to any information you may provide when visiting those third party websites. We do not endorse or make any representations about third party websites, except that the third party belongs to GenScript. The information you decide to provide or that is collected by those third parties is not covered by this Privacy Policy. We encourage you to read the Privacy Policy or statement of any company before submitting your personal information.

Collection of Personal Information

At GenScript.com, you can order products or services, make requests, and register to receive materials. In order to realize some of the functionalities, we may collect and retain your personal information in various ways. The types of personal information collected via these pages may include your name, name of your company, address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, contact and billing information (including shipping address and end-user), transaction, and/or credit card information. Information about particular transactions, such as product purchases over the website, is maintained in our databases in the same or similar manner as such information is maintained for transactions which are done by telephone, fax, etc.

Personal Information Collection

Personal information is collected for necessary business purposes and also to better understand and serve you as a customer or a user of our websites. We promise to collect, share, transfer and use personal information with adequate notice or consent. We uncompromisingly stand by this promise.

Personal information will be collected in various occasions when applicable. For example, when you choose to register with GenScript as a registered user, place an order for products or services, subscribe to newsletters, marketing and support materials, participate in reward or promotion program, survey, or even apply for a job at GenScript, personal information will be asked and requested to complete these transactions. We may collect the personal information in following categories:

  • Information for the purpose of registering with the GenScript to be a registered user; including your contact information such as your name, organization, address, phone and fax number, and email address;
  • Information about your visiting or use our websites, including any information identifiable or unidentifiable recorded or traced when you visit our websites and web pages, including visiting history, hit counts and time;
  • Information about transactions carried out over this website, including your personal contact, financial information such as credit card information, bank account information and various verifying information; other information such as IDs and passwords, billing and transaction information, organization information;
  • Information that you provide for the purpose of subscribing to the website services, such as newsletters, products updates, marketing and support materials, participate in reward or promotion program, survey, including information about your contact information, your interests and preferences in various products or services;
  • Information when applying a job at GenScript, including your contact preferences, educational background and employment history and job interest data;
  • Any other information that you send to GenScript;
  • Information that third parties send to GenScript or that are in public domain.

If any third party provides information about you to us, we may collect and process such information with other information we have about you in public domain. This Privacy Policy will cover such processed information.

If you merely browse GenScript websites, you will be recorded as a hit only and GenScript will not collect any personal information from you unless otherwise stated.

During the course of your navigation of our websites, "cookies" may be used to enhance your visit. For your information, a "cookie" is information either temporarily or permanently stored in your computer's hard drive. It may collect different information from you, including the URL of the website via which you came to our websites, the browser version you use, your Internet Protocol (IP) address, IP ports, date and time of your visit, size of data transferred, pages you visit and other clickstream data. Cookies are widely used and are usually configured as default setting in most web browsers. If you prefer not to accept cookies, you may change the default setting and configure the browser to refuse cookies. However, if you refuse or turn off cookies, it may limit your use of our websites. Some features, displays and services on our websites may not function properly without using cookies.

Using Personal Information

The information we collect help us to better serve you as a customer and user and to meet your needs and suit your interests. The information collected will help us deliver a consistent high quality product and service to you. We may use the information to:

  • administer and improve our websites;
  • publish your testimonials;
  • enable your access to and use of the website services;
  • send you products that you purchase;
  • supply to you services that you purchase;
  • send you statements and invoices;
  • contact and collect payments from you;
  • send you marketing communications, updates, rewards programs, services and product information;
  • send you information about your account, changes to any relevant agreements, statements and policies;
  • assist us to implement an rewards program and/or other promotions;
  • compile and analyze aggregate statistics and trends;
  • conduct market and customer analyses;
  • respond to your request and improve the content, services, and products.

You will be provided opportunity to choose your privacy preferences regarding the communications we send. If you do not want to receive any such communication from us, you may opt out by declining the service offered when registering or unclick the check box at other information collection points on our websites or in our e-mails; or informing us that you no longer wish to receive such communication.

Before we publish your testimonials on our websites, we will seek an expressed permission from you. The testimonials will be only posted on our websites with the expressed permission of the individual or company who provides that testimonial.

Credit card information is used only for payment processing and fraud prevention. Credit card information and other sensitive personal information required to process a transaction on credit will not be used for any other purpose by our financial services providers or GenScript. We will not keep the credit card information longer than necessary for processing the transaction or providing the services, unless you permit us to retain such information for future purchases or services.

We will take all necessary and practical steps to ensure that your personal data will not be kept longer than necessary. We are committed to compliance with all statutory and regulatory requirements concerning the retention and use of personally identifiable information.

We may also contract with certain third party which provides data collection and analysis service to collect and analyze clickstream data utilizing anonymous data collection from cookies. Such third party will comply with this Privacy Policy regarding any information we provide with them. Where we disclose your personal information to our agents or sub-contractors for above identified purposes, the agent or sub-contractor in question will be contractually obligated to use that personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Under this circumstance your consent is not necessary for those external parties to process your data. We reserve the right to make full use of information that is not in personally identifiable form.

In addition to the disclosures reasonably necessary for the purposes identified above, we may disclose your personal information to the extent that it is required by law, in compliance with court order in any legal proceedings, and in order to establish, claim, exercise or defend our legal rights.

Sharing Personal Information

We will not sell, rent or lease your personally identifiable information you provide to us to any external parties without your permission, except where required by law or governmental or judicial bodies with proper authority.

We may share information about you with our affiliates, successors, and agents/representatives, but such affiliate, successor, agent/representative will be required to treat the information in accordance with this Privacy Policy or otherwise with your further permission. We have the right to determine the specific method to release the restriction afore-mentioned.

We may also disclose information provided by you in connection with corporate restructuring, sale or assignment of substantial assets, merger, acquisition, and other changes of control or financial status. If such circumstances arise, we will require the recipient to use the information in accordance with this Privacy Policy thus your further expressed permission is not necessary here.

Security of Personal Information

We are committed to safeguard the personal information you provide to us. We will take reasonable technical and organizational safety measures to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of your personal information. We will store all the personal information you provide on our secure servers.

We use the standard known as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption for any transmission of personal or financial information from your PC to our servers. Beyond the SSL barrier, your data is protected once it reaches our network through the use of secure multi-tiered firewalls. Whole or portion of your data may also be encrypted on our storage server for additional security.

We also endeavour to ensure compliance with the strictest standards of security by our employees and staff. Only employees and staff trained to handle personal data and observe confidentiality and who have a need to know for purposes allowed in the Privacy Policy may be authorized to have access to your personal data.

Cross-border Data Transfers

Information that we collect may be stored and processed in and transferred between any of the countries in which GenScript operates to enable the use of the information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. In addition, personal information that you submit for publication on our websites will be published on the internet and may be available around the world. You agree to such cross-border transfers of personal information. We will comply with all local laws/regulations which may restrict cross-border data transfer when we perform such transfer.

Access to Information You Provided

You may at any time request access to your personal information held by us. You may review, edit, correct, delete, or update that information at any time. All requests for access to, or correction or deletion of personal information should be made via email to Bhama Parimoo at bhamap@genscript.com. We reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee for processing of any personal information access request. We will, upon making reasonable efforts to verify your identity, endeavour to handle and respond to such requests promptly.

Children's Privacy

GenScript does not target its websites to children under 13 and does not knowingly collect personally information from children under the age of 13.

Privacy Policy Updates

We reserve the right to revise this Privacy Policy from time to time by posting the new versions on this website. You should check this page periodically to ensure you are familiar with any changes.

English Version

The Privacy Policy is written in English. If this Privacy Policy appears in another language, this means this document is a translation of the English version. In case of discrepancies between the English version and any version in another language, the English version shall apply and prevail.

Contact Us

If you have any requests, questions, concerns or suggestions about this Privacy Policy or our treatment of your personal information, please contact us:

  • by email to bhamap@genscript.com; or
  • by post to Customer Relations, GenScript Inc., 860 Centennial Avenue, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA.






